August 2006 Archives

The Carpenter Group Challenge!

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The Carpenter Group, a business consulting company, needed a new website and they wanted something very interactive.  Their idea was to illustrate good practices with a 3d-ish animated menu page.  The page I ended building for them required a primitive 3d engine (actionscript 2.0) and some very simple artificial intelligence.  The overall effect is very visually interesting.  Randomly placed arrows move about in a 3-d environment until a menu item is clicked.  The arrows then move towards a pattern chosen to illustrate the selected item.  This was incredibly challenging because some of the patterns are very dynamic, so the arrows are often trying to relocate to a position that's changing with time.  Also, the shape of the orbit of the menu items turned out to be slightly complicated.  They wanted it to closely match a still image that designers built and that required a bunch of trigonometry and a 4th order polynomial correction function because it wasn't elliptical. Needless to say, this was a challeging and extrememly fun project!

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