Request some rock?

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rockrequest.jpgThis is demo-site for a pet project I've been playing around with for a few years.  It's a automated internet radio station with a website that gives users the ability to request songs from a library.  They can type a dedication message to be read by the voice-synthesized  DJ or, if they have a microphone, they can record and upload their own personal dedication.  The radio station is completely automated and is based on the IceCast streaming server.  I wrote a perl module to select songs from user requests or, if none have been made, based on an algorithm I've been developing for a year or so.   Once a user's logged in, they can chat with other users, look at a google map of roughly where other users are located and leave comments about particular songs.  For most songs, there's also lyrics available.  The station can be streamed using iTunes or using the flash player embedded on the page.

This site/radio station was built using AJAX/PHP/mySQL/perl/java/flash(AS 3.0)

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This page contains a single entry by scott published on June 22, 2008 2:59 PM.

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