March 2009 Archives

Nice Spots manages your files.

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Nice Spots is a web application I've been working on for the last 5 years.  It's a collaborative tool built for archiving media files.  It includes tools for commenting on individual frames of video, hosting interactive video chats, building DVD's with a web-based interface and a comprehensive sharing system that keeps access secure.   The UI (flash) is customizable using xml formatted 'data panels' and infinite color options.  The database dynamically adds fields as they are added to the UI without the need for DB structure changes.  This site was built using AJAX/PHP/mySQL/perl/java/flash(AS 2.0 and 3.0)

About this Archive

This page is an archive of entries from March 2009 listed from newest to oldest.

December 2008 is the previous archive.

April 2009 is the next archive.

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